Thank you for purchasing Multimedia I.Q. Test! It is Virtual Entertainment's hope that Multimedia I.Q. Test will serve as a "launching pad" for many fascinating hours of discussion regarding the topic of intelligence. Many claim that one's performance on such a self administered I.Q. test proves only one thing: that the test result is merely a reflection of how one performs on that specific I.Q. test, and nothing else. We make no claims to either confirm or deny this. Although the featured test is fully validated and has been utilized by a wide variety of government and private institutions, we feel compelled to mention that neither this nor any other such self-administered test can appropriately gauge a number of extremely important factors that determine success, or intelligence itself in many areas, for that matter. Creativity, ambition, hard work, leadership qualities, common sense, social skills, determination and countless other qualities can not be evaluated in such a test. Without any of these, you might agree that possessing the highest I.Q. score in history would perhaps be somewhat useless in any practical capacity. In any event, we hope you enjoy using the program.
Virtual Entertainment╒s Multimedia I.Q. Test was designed for personal entertainment use only. It is neither as precise nor as valid as an I.Q test administered by a trained psychologist in a controlled setting. Virtual Entertainment╒s test should not be used for student or personnel assessment.
Getting Started
System requirements
Macintosh 030 or higher
CD-ROM drive (double-speed recommended)
A hard disk with 1.5 MB free disk space
System 6.0.7 or higher
13╙ monitor with 256 colors
4 MB RAM (8 MB recommended)
A printer that supports graphic mode (optional)
To install Multimedia I.Q. Test:
1. Turn on your Macintosh if it isn╒t already on.
2. Insert the Multimedia I.Q. Test CD into your CD-ROM drive
3. If you do not have QuickTime 2.0 installed in your system, do the
System 7: Drag the three files in the QuickTime folder
to your closed System folder. A dialog will appear asking if you want
to add the items to your Extensions folder. Click on Yes, then restart
your Mac to activate the extensions.
System 6: Drag the three files in the QuickTime folder
into your System folder. Then restart your Mac to activate the
To run Multimedia I.Q. Test:
Double-click on the I.Q. Test
icon to start the program.
Additionally, we have included a folder called Demo. Open this folder, and double-click on the Demo icon to see a preview of more Virtual Entertainment products.
Running Multimedia I.Q. Test
Double-click on the Multimedia I.Q. Test icon. The Main Menu appears.
The Main Menu
The Main Menu screen offers 5 options:
- Introduction
- Take Test
- Interviews
- Multimedia I.Q. Test Credits
- Quit
Introduction accesses a screen with text explaining some general information regarding intelligence, how I.Q. scores are interpreted, etc.
Take Test starts the test. You will first access an introduction that explains how to take the test, and the type of questions you will find in the test. Then, when you are ready to begin, the test itself can be started.
Interviews opens a screen from which you can view different digital videos of experts psychologists on the topic of intelligence and I.Q. testing.
Clicking on the Multimedia I.Q. Test logo displays the credits.
Clicking on Quit exits the Multimedia I.Q. Test program.
Introduction: What is Intelligence?
This screen reveals a brief description on defining what intelligence is, how the brain functions, etc.
- Click the Up and Down arrow buttons to scroll the text up and down by one page.
- Click on the play button below the text to have the text read aloud.
- Click the Exit button to return to the Main Menu.
Taking the test
After clicking on Take Test from the Main Menu, you will be presented with the test introduction screen. Read this attentively, as it describes the nature of the questions and conditions for the test. Make sure you understand how the test works before starting, as the test is timed. You may want to click the play button on the video screen to have the text read to you.
Test Introduction
The Test Introduction screen is very similar to the actual test screen, so make sure you are familiar with its functions before you start the test.
The Menu Bar - Contains the buttons needed for navigation:
- The Page Turn buttons are used to move to the next or previous example
- The Take Test button is used to start the test itself
- The Exit button returns to the Main Menu
The Status Bar - At the bottom of the screen shows status information:
- The Hintline displays descriptions of the various buttons as you point to them with the mouse.
- The Question Number field shows the current example question number as well as the total number of questions.
Use the Page Turn buttons to navigate through the examples. Once you are ready to take the test, click on the Take Test button. A dialog will pop-up, requesting your name and age.
Type your name, select your age from the age buttons, then click on Start Test. Notice that this test is intended for people 15 years of age and older. The test results will not be accurate for younger people.
Additionally, click on the music button if you would like to have music play in the background during the test. Some people find that listening to music enhances their ability to concentrate. Others find it distracting. Select one of the composers and click on "Music On" to sample the music. Click on OK if you would like to have music play during the test, otherwise, click on Cancel. You can turn the music off at any time during the test by clicking on the note button.
The Test
As stated earlier, this screen is similar to the Test Introduction screen, with a few differences. Make sure you are familiar with these functions before you start the test. Remember, the test is on a timer, so you won╒t want to try and figure out the program during the test!
The Menu Bar - Contains the buttons needed for navigation:
- The Page Turn buttons are used to move to the next or previous question.
- The End Test button is used to end the test, and bring up the results.
- The Exit button returns to the Main Menu, aborting the test.
- The Timer shows the remaining test time in minutes. When the timer hits 0, the test will automatically end, and the results will be displayed.
- The Music Note button turns the music on/off
The Status Bar - At the bottom of the screen shows status information:
- The Hintline displays descriptions of the various buttons as you point to them with the mouse.
- The Paper Clip button is used to mark or un-mark the currently displayed question. A paper clip will appear at the top left of the screen, just as if it was marked with a real paper clip. This can be useful if you are unsure of your answer and want to move on, but want to be able to return to it if you have enough time at the end.
- The Question Number field shows the current question number as well as the total number of questions.
- Clicking on the Question Number field brings up a pop-up list of questions.
The questions that have been answered are marked with a plus mark ╥+╥, the ones that were marked with a paper clip have a ╥?╥ next to them. Click on the question number of your choice to display it.
Use the Page Turn buttons to navigate through the questions. If you think you are finished before the timer runs out, click on the End Test button. The test result will appear, and after a few seconds, you I.Q score will be displayed.
The Test Results
Once you have completed the test, the Test Results screen is displayed. Here you can see the name and age of the testee, the date of the test, and the I.Q. result. You will also see the standard ╥bell curve╙ and a range showing the percentile of the population you fall into.
To Print the test results:
Click on the Print button to have the test results printed.
To see the correct answers:
Click the Answers... button. You will return to the Test screen, but this time, the correct answers will be selected in yellow. Your answer will be shown in red. The other functions on this screen are similar to what they were in Test mode, except that the End Test button is disabled. Click the Exit button to return to the Main Menu.
After clicking on Interviews from the Main Menu, you will be presented with the Interview menu screen. Click on one of the thumnails to see a digital video of expert psychologists on the topic of intelligence and I.Q testing.
Troubleshooting Macintosh
No sound is heard
The speakers may not be on, not connected, or the sound level is too low.
Check that the speakers are on, that the speakers are connected to the sound card, and the volume levels are turned up.
The graphic colors seem wrong
Make sure your Monitor's Control Panel is set to 256 colors (8 bit).
Technical Support
If you are experiencing technical problems with this product and cannot resolve them using the above troubleshooting tips, call Virtual Entertainment's Technical Support line at 617-449-9645, or fax to 617-449-4887, Monday through Friday, 10am-4pm Eastern Standard Time.
Creation and Concept: Virtual Entertainment
Executive Producers: Richard Viard, Jeff Pucci
Programming: Gretchen Macdowall, Lead Programmer
Darien Fitzgerald
Research: Gretchen Macdowall
Graphics and Interface Design: Richard Viard
Writer: Shawna Vogel
Package/Box Design: Way Tay, Dudley Bryan Jr., Jihad Battikha
Music: J.S. Bach, Mozart, Pachabel, Chopin
Narrators: Valerie Pratt, Bill Clark
Video crew: Rich Carew, Carl Cameron/WMUR-ABC TV
Interviewees: Mindy Kornhaber / Harvard University Project Zero
Christopher J. Recklins, Ph.D. / Harvard University
David Wilcox, Ph.D. / Harvard University
Photography: (c) Photographie Sartony
Special Thanks: Harvard University/Project Zero, Larry Gilpin,
Jack Heath, Joe Pachiorkowski, Carl Cameron,
Frank Imes, WMUR ABC-TV, Jeff Rupp,
Carla Koehl/Newsweek, Cybersmith
Virtual Entertainment╒s Limited 90 day Warranty
Except to the extent prohibited by law, all implied warranties made by Virtual Entertainment, Inc., in connection with this manual and software are limited in duration to ninety (90) days from the date of original purchase, and no warranties, whether express or implied, shall apply to this product after said period. Virtual Entertainment, Inc. makes no warranty or representation, either express or implied, with respect to the software described in this manual. This software is sold "as is." The purchaser assumes the entire risk as to its quality and performance. Under no circumstances shall Virtual Entertainment, Inc. be liable for any loss or damage, direct, consequential, or incidental, arising out of the use or inability to use this product.
This software and manual are copyrighted (C)1995 by Virtual Entertainment, Inc. with all rights reserved. The software or manual may not be copied, in whole or part, without the express written consent of Virtual Entertainment, Inc. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited. This software is protected by both United States Copyright Law and International Treaty provisions